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Professional Coaching

For individuals & businesses 

Image by Randy Tarampi
Image by Danica Tanjutco

Career Coaching

Career coaching helps you to explore and navigate your career path more effectively.


The primary goal of career coaching is to provide you with guidance, support, and encouragement at whatever stage of your career you're at, whether you are just starting out, looking to make a career change, or seeking advancement and growth within your current profession.


This typically involves using a range of strategies and tools to assist you in understanding your strengths, values, interests, and goals. This may involve self-assessment exercises, skills evaluation, and discussions about your aspirations and work-related challenges.


We will work collaboratively to identify potential career options and develop action plans to achieve those goals.

How can Career Coaching help me?

  • Career exploration: Identify potential career paths and industries that align with your skills, interests, and values.

  • Resume and interview preparation: Assistance with CV writing, cover letter development, and interview skills to improve the chances of landing desired job opportunities.

  • Skill development: Identify and enhance relevant skills and competencies required for your chosen career path.

  • Job search strategies: Guidance on effective job search techniques, networking, and leveraging online platforms to find suitable job opportunities.

  • Career transitions: Support as you go through a career change, whether within the same industry, moving to a different one or starting your own business.

  • Professional development: Create a plan to improve performance and achieve career growth within your current job or organisation.

How do I know if I need  Career Coaching?

Here are some signs that indicate you might benefit from my career coaching:

  • Lack of clarity or direction

  • Dissatisfaction with your current job

  • Difficulty with job search or advancement 

  • Need for skill development 

  • Low self-confidence or self-awareness

  • Desire for work-life balance

  • Transitioning from education to the workforce

  • Facing workplace challenges 

  • Long-term career planning

"Gemma's coaching was enjoyable and highly beneficial to my career decision making and my understanding of my strengths. The sessions helped me to better identify the types of roles that I am well suited for and the areas and topic for which it would be useful to seek further experience and training."

Image by Joshua Hibbert

Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching is a personalised and collaborative process designed to help you enhance your leadership skills, effectiveness, and overall performance in your business setting. We'll identify your core strengths including any that are overplayed, areas for growth including any blindspots, and goals related to your leadership development.


The primary focus of my leadership coaching is to support you as a leader in improving your leadership abilities, decision-making, communication, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and other essential competencies. The coaching relationship is built on trust, open communication, and a commitment to personal and professional growth.

How can Leadership Coaching help me?

Leadership coaching can provide a wide range of benefits to you if you are seeking to enhance your leadership skills and effectiveness. Here are some ways in which leadership coaching can help you:

  • Provide you with a safe, non-judgemental space

  • Identify your leadership style

  • Develop your self-awareness

  • Address specific challenges

  • Navigate career transitions

  • Develop leadership presence

  • Foster a positive work culture

  • Refine essential leadership skills

  • Enhance your confidence

How do I know if I need Leadership Coaching?

You might be an ​executive, manager, team leader, or individual in a leadership position looking to enhance your:


  • Skill enhancement

  • Self-awareness

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Confidence building

  • Adaptability

  • Strategic thinking

  • Communication skills

  • Conflict resolution

  • Personal resilience

"I ended up looking forward to our conversations and it helped me to put things into perspective and resulted in me taking steps to address my work life balance. This in turn has had a positive impact on my family, which has made my output and productivity at work even better. Gemma is an asset to any business looking to improve the calibre of their executive team."

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